
User Acceptance Testing

What is user acceptance testing?

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is the process of evaluating a software application or system by its actual users to determine whether it meets their requirements and is ready for use. UAT tests are usually the final phase of the testing process, and are typically conducted after the software has undergone other types of testing, such as functional testing and system testing, and are intended to provide a final check before the software is deployed into production.

The User Acceptance Testing validates that the software is:

  • fit for purpose,
  • easy to use and understand,
  • meets the users’ requirements and expectations specified at the beginning of the development process, and 
  • is ready for deployment into a production environment. 

Therefore, UAT testing are an important part of the software development process.

UAT involves testing the software in a real-world environment, using real data and real-world scenarios that reflect how the software will be used in practice. The tests are usually managed by a dedicated UAT team, which is responsible for coordinating the testing activities and collecting and analyzing feedback. 

UAT testing is conducted by the end users themselves, or by a team of testers who represent the end users. The testers typically follow a set of test cases or scenarios that have been developed in advance, carry out given a set of tasks, report issues or bugs encountered, and provide feedback on the software’s performance and usability.