
Release Management

What is release management?

Release management is the process of software releases planning, scheduling, testing, and then deploying updates or new versions of software into production environments.

Release deployment management is an important part of software development. It not only helps to deliver the software releases smoothly and with minimal risk to the organization but also ensures that releases are delivered on time and with minimal disruption to users.

Release management is typically managed by a dedicated release management team responsible for coordinating various activities of the software release process, such as: 

  1. Planning includes determining the scope of the release, identifying the resources required, and establishing a schedule for the release,
  2. Building, which includes compiling and building the software code, and creating necessary documentation and installation packages,
  3. Testing i.e. running tests to ensure that the software is stable, functional, bug-free, and meets expected quality standards,
  4. Deployment includes deploying the software to the production environment and making it available to users,
  5. Monitoring involves monitoring the software after deployment to ensure that it is functioning as expected and to identify and correct any potential problems or bugs, 
  6. Support i.e. providing ongoing support and maintenance.

Effective release management helps to ensure that software releases are deployed in a coordinated and reliable manner, and meet the needs and expectations of users.