
Event Driven Architecture

What is event-driven architecture?

Event-driven architecture is a software design pattern in which the flow of an application logic is determined by events or triggers. It allows a program to respond to external stimuli or triggers in a flexible and dynamic event processing process. This means that the application does not constantly query or check for certain conditions, but simply waits for an event to occur and then responds to it. 

Main components of event-driven architectures:

  • Event producers: These are the components or systems that generate events. For example, a user clicking a button on a web page or a sensor sending a notification that a temperature threshold has been reached.
  • Event consumers: These are the components or systems that receive and respond to events. For example, a server that receives a request for data and retrieves the data from a database in response.
  • An event bus: This is a message-passing system that connects event producers and event consumers and enables them to communicate with each other during complex event processing process. It is responsible for routing events from producers to the appropriate consumers.

The event-driven architecture – advantages

  • It allows flexibility and scalability, as new event producers and consumers can be added or removed without affecting the rest of the system. 
  • It enables applications to respond to events in real-time, which can be useful in scenarios where quick action is required. 
  • It also promotes loose coupling between components, making it easier to update and maintain the application.