
Dora Metrics

What are DORA metrics?

DORA (DevOps Research and Assessment) is the research group focused on studying practices and workflows of development teams and organizations. As part of their research, DORA has identified a set of DORA metrics that are commonly used to measure the performance of organizations in terms of their ability to deliver software updates and new features quickly and reliably. 

These DORA metrics include:

  • Deployment frequency: the number of times the code is deployed to production within a given period of time.
  • Lead time for changes: the time it takes from a code change to its deployment to production.
  • Change failure rate: the percentage of deployments that result in errors or rollbacks.
  • Mean time to recovery (MTTR): an average time to fix and recover from a deployment failure or incident.
  • Time to restore service: the time to restore service after a deployment failure or incident.

These metrics are typically used to compare the performance of different organizations or teams and identify their areas for improvement in the software development and deployment processes. 

According to DORA organizations that score highly on the DORA metrics tend to have more efficient and effective software development and deployment processes, and are able to deliver updates and new features faster and with fewer errors. Moreover, these organizations are often referred to as “high-performers” or “elite performers,” and are able to achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction or business value.

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