
Continous Delivery

What is continuous delivery?

Continuous delivery (CD) is a software development practice in which code updates are automatically tested and uploaded to the repository. This allows developers to focus on writing the code rather, than to worry about the delivery process. 

It also helps to  improve the speed and quality of software delivery, and reduces the time, cost, and effort required to roll out updates. The more, its goal is to ensure that the code changes can be safely released at any time and minimize the risk of new bugs.

Key benefits of continuous delivery include:

  • Improved software quality: automated testing process allows to identify and fix problems earlier, resulting in higher software quality,
  • Shorter time-to-market: continuous delivery allows to release applications and updates more frequently, enabling faster response to changes in customer expectations and market conditions,
  • Increased agility: continuous delivery allows companies to be more agile and to deploying changes to the software faster and easier,
  • Reduced risk: by automation of the testing  and thus reducing the risk of new errors in the code, The continuous delivery helps to minimize downtime.

It is often used in combination with continuous integration and continuous deployment, which takes the practice one step further by automatically deploying all code changes to production, without the need for manual approval.

Thus, it also makes it easier to continuously roll out new features and update software on a more frequent and predictable basis, rather than in long release cycles.

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