
Unleash 6.2


Unleash 6.2 is out, here are more great product improvements for you. Also, we’re running a free virtual conference on September 25th. We would love to see you there.

We have a new command menu, a new way to preview change requests, and learn about what’s new in Unleash. We also made many UI and UX improvements.

As always, you can find the complete release notes on GitHub.

New: Command Menu

You might have seen the “cmd + k” toolbar before, I believe Slack were the first to implement it, and now it’s prevalent in many devtools. In this release, we made our own.

The command menu makes UI navigation easier and gives you quick access to recently visited pages. It lets you search over feature flags, projects, and pages, improving workflow efficiency.


New: Soft Limits

To ensure that Unleash operates smoothly, we’ve introduced soft limits for some of the key resources that you can create. The limits are put in place to ensure the stability of the platform for everyone, and guide our users towards more idiomatic solutions.

Limits can be overridden by self-hosted users, and hosted users can reach out to their Unleash contact to increase them or learn how to reduce their usage.

New: “What’s new in Unleash”

There’s a new section at the bottom of the sidebar which shows you new capabilities in Unleash.

We’re including this to showcase new features more prominently and make it easier for you to learn about them.


Improved: “Create Flag” Screen

The “New Feature Flag” screen makes it easier to create new flags by replacing the current screen with a simpler overlay.

The UI is now visually consistent with the “Create Project” screen.

Improved: Event Search Authorization

Previously, all global events were accessible via the API, regardless of access. Now only root admins can see them, while others only see project-specific events.

This limits the event search for viewers and users to events related to a project that these users have access to. For private projects, they’ll only show in event searches if you have permission to see them.

Improved: Integration Page Now Displays Last Events

The integration page now shows an icon corresponding to the most recent event with positive and negative results. More detailed information is available on hover.

This will help you get a better understanding of how your integrations are working and a quicker way to identify issues and resolve them.

Improved Playground Change Request Compatibility

The playground now shows how change requests would impact the results of a flag change.

This makes it easy to test results and see how approving a change request would impact production or environments that are protected by change requests.



Improved: Feature Flag Collaborators

The feature flag overview screen now shows you who made the most recent change to a flag, as well as a list of the most recent collaborators, and a link to the event associated with that change.

This helps you find out when the last change was made, and what was updated.

This also speeds up identifying recent collaborators so you can reach out to them with questions, ask for help, etc.


Thanks for reading!

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